söndag 19 december 2010

4:e advent

For starters we celebrated the Fourth Sunday in advent in church. Not the place we usually dwell, but for the kids...what won't you do? Ellen's attending church hours for children, kind of like kindergarden but in church. This sunday they sang and had a little play. The smallest ones all helped put the nativity scene together. Naw...
After that is was coffee for the grown ups and x-mas pop (julmust) for the kids. Of course there was gingerbread cookies and candy as well!

Well at home we celebrated our own way. Molded wine (glögg) and gingerbread dough since either of us like the cookie. So, the final week before christmas. How ever will I find the time to do all the things I would like to have done before the big day? Glaze the ham, finish all the gifts, make meatballs? Love and peace.
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